Emotive Color includes a special extraction of each light source color conversion to a computed Powergrade, called Matrix. Color in its most minimalist form, Matrix features two compound matrices, two correctives, and a gamma curve to define LogC, followed by Arri Rec.709.
The matrices are calculated from hundreds of individual matrix operations
on the same sample group as the interpolated conversion,
to extract the most universal 3x3 matrix conforms common to the entirety of the sampled space
(the 3D 'thread' that runs through them all).
The Resolve RGB Mixer restricts values entered in the user interface (to large quantized .01 steps, with
two decimal places of precision).
This prevents entry of precise 3x3 matrices, limiting its practicality for precision color conversion.
To overcome this limitation, the Matrix Powergrade .drx is printed directly from the
Emotive Color Engine.
This allows precise floating point values to be injected into Resolve's curves and RGB Mixer, to six decimal places of
precision under the hood.
Each powergrade is light source specific, to realize higher accuracy for both ends of the white balance spectrum.
Each component that comprises LogC is modifiable to allow tweaking of the transform to your taste.
Achieved in as few nodes as possible. This minimalist approach allows lower computational overhead.
As with the primary interpolated cubes, Matrix powergrade LogC is fully non-destructive,
even into theoretical gamut beyond LogC (the gamut performance of both is shown below).
To test your own workflow for non-destructive color, download the Gradient Test chart here:
Matrix LogC and Interpolated LogC
For Blackmagic Cameras, the new Generation 5 color science is now supported by the Matrix PowerGrades and interpolated cubes (for Bmpcc 4K, 6K, & Ursa). Generation 4 support is preserved with a Pre file that conforms each camera's color science to Generation 5.
Ursa Tungsten Gen 4, Gen 5, and Alexa